Joint Proposal / Yomiuri, NTT Teaming Up to Shape AI Future; Tackling Tech Challenges through Partnership, Not Conflict

The Japan News
Yomiuri Shimbun building

Artificial intelligence could bring more changes to humanity than the Industrial Revolution or the internet revolution. As technology leaps forward, how will humanity address AI and build an orderly society? We should not accept AI uncritically simply because it is convenient. Our acceptance must grow out of a philosophy centered on human society.

Based on such ideas, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp., The Yomiuri Shimbun and Keio University’s Cyber Civilization Research Center have repeatedly held study sessions since last fall. NTT Corp., Japan’s leading information technology company, and The Yomiuri Shimbun, which has the largest circulation in the world, have issued a proposal based on academic research by Keio University. The proposal is aimed at presenting Japanese society a prescription for how to face AI.

There is a need to build the credibility of not only AI, but also users of AI. The position of data in society must be clarified, as should the role and responsibilities of businesses that handle such data.

In the United States, generative AI developer OpenAI and The New York Times have been waging a fierce legal battle. NTT Corp. has been developing its own generative AI. The Yomiuri Shimbun and NTT Corp. hope to contribute to the creation of a better society by working collaboratively — not being confrontational — to establish order for a society with generative AI.