Japan Confirms Season’s 2nd Bird Flu Outbreak

Courtesy of Ibaraki Prefecture
Ibaraki prefectural officials prepare for culling chickens in Kasama, Ibaraki Prefecture, on Monday.

MITO (Jiji Press) — The Ibaraki prefectural government said Monday that it has confirmed an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza at a poultry farm in Kasama, Ibaraki Prefecture.

This marked the second bird flu outbreak at a farm reported in the country this season.

All of some 72,000 egg-laying chickens at the Kasama farm will be slaughtered.

The farm reported Sunday morning that about 450 chickens were dead, according to the prefectural government.

After a simple virus test showed positive results, a detailed genetic examination was conducted.

Japan reported a record 84 outbreaks of highly pathogenic bird flu at farms in 26 of the country’s 47 prefectures in the last season, with a record 17.71 million birds culled.

This led to an egg shortage and price increases.

This season’s first case was confirmed in Kashima, Saga Prefecture, on Saturday.