Japan Holds First Class for E-Scooter Riders Who Repeatedly Violate Traffic Law

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Police officers explain e-scooter traffic rules at a class in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo, on Monday.

Electric kick scooter riders who violated traffic laws took an inaugural class run by the Metropolitan Police Department in Tokyo on Monday.

The revised Road Traffic Law enforced from July 1 eased regulations of e-scooters to be on par with bicycles, but also requires riders driving dangerously who commit violations two or more times in three years to take the class.

Violations include ignoring traffic signals or drunk driving. From July to September, 1,770 cases of traffic violations involving e-scooters were reported in Tokyo.

Prefectural public safety commissions issue orders to take the class, with a fine of up to ¥50,000 imposed for failure to comply.

Three violators had to attend this first class in Japan, held at MPD headquarters in Chiyoda Ward.

They received explanations of the traffic rules for e-scooters from MPD officers and learned the relevant regulations.