2025 Osaka Expo Organizer Sets Admission Ticket Prices at ¥7,500

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
The site of the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo in Konohana Ward, Osaka

OSAKA (Jiji Press) — The organizer of the 2025 World Exposition in the city of Osaka decided at a meeting of executives Wednesday to price the admission ticket at ¥7,500 per adult.

Reflecting ballooning costs for running the event, the ticket will be pricier than the previously expected ¥6,000 and the ¥4,600 charged at the 2005 Expo in Aichi Prefecture.

The Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition wants to start selling tickets by year-end after obtaining approval of the price from the government. The ¥7,500 price will be for tickets to be sold during the Expo period. Tickets for weekdays will be sold for ¥6,000 per adult, while three types of advance tickets will be priced between ¥4,000 and ¥6,000 per adult.