S. Korea Team Ends Fukushima Plant Inspection

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Water tanks are seen at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in 2022.

TOMIOKA, Fukushima (Jiji Press) — A team of experts from South Korea on Wednesday finished a two-day inspection of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture.

The inspection was aimed at confirming safety based on scientific evidence by intensively checking facilities related to the planned release of treated water into the sea from the Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. plant.

Speaking to reporters in the Fukushima town of Tomioka on Wednesday, Yoo Guk-hee, head of South Korea’s Nuclear Safety and Security Commission, who is leading the inspection team, suggested that the inspection will lead to progress in the safety assessment of the planned water release.

On the day, the team inspected equipment for diluting treated water with seawater and a laboratory for analyzing radioactive materials. Yoo said that while the team members inspected the facilities they had wanted to see, they still need to conduct additional analysis and other work.