Salmon Sushi, Local Wine Served at G7 Foreign Ministers Working Dinner

The Prince Karuizawa
The meal served at the G7 foreign ministers’ working dinner in Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture, on Sunday.

KARUIZAWA, Nagano Prefecture — Sushi using salmon from the region was among the Nagano Prefecture delicacies served at a working dinner of the Group of Seven foreign ministers on Sunday in Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture.

The dinner began with an appetizer of tofu, with sesame seeds, strawberries and Kyoho grapes, all locally grown, followed by the main course of Shinshu salmon sushi and other items. It was washed down with local wine and sake.

The G7 ministers’ meeting will continue through Tuesday.

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Foreign ministers of the G7 nations are seen in Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture, on Sunday.