Whale in Tokyo Bay?

Courtesy of the Yokohama Coast Guard
A marine creature is seen near the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line expressway on Thursday.

A marine creature believed to be a whale over five meters long has been confirmed in the waters near Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line’s man-made island Kaze no To (tower of wind). The Yokohama Coast Guard is calling on vessels navigating Tokyo Bay to take precautions against collisions and other accidents.

According to the coast guard, at around 1:20 p.m. on Thursday, a vessel sailing through the bay reported a whale blowing water and diving, and a patrol boat that headed to the scene also sighted the whale. The coast guard said that this is the first reported whale sighting since March 2017, when a marine creature believed to have been a whale was confirmed near Hakkeijima in Yokohama, and that sightings are “not a frequent occurrence.”