Ozawa to Back Noda in CDPJ Election

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Ichiro Ozawa

TOKYO (Jiji Press) — Lawmaker Ichiro Ozawa, a senior member of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said Tuesday that he will support former Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda in the Sept. 23 party leadership election.

Ozawa visited Noda’s office in an office building for the House of Representatives lawmakers in Tokyo on the day to express his support.

Ozawa heads a group of CDPJ lawmakers of 15 or so members. Many of them are expected to back Noda in the party election.

When Noda was prime minister from the now-defunct Democratic Party of Japan, Ozawa, along with many other lawmakers, left the party in protest against the lower house passage of consumption tax hike legislation crafted by the Noda administration.

The exodus weakened the administration, leading to the party losing power to the Liberal Democratic Party in 2012.

Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Ozawa said, “I’ve decided to support [Noda] as I feel it’s important that we overcome [our past differences] and assemble to fight for the goal of achieving politics for the people.”

Ozawa and Noda met on several occasions from July this year and agreed that they need to secure support from middle-of-the-road conservatives in order to retake power in the next election for the lower chamber of the Diet.

“I’m thankful to receive the support from a veteran who is very influential,” Noda said.

Also on Tuesday, a CDPJ group led by former Prime Minister Naoto Kan gave up the idea of putting up Executive Deputy President Chinami Nishimura as a candidate in the party election.

According to informed sources, the Kan-led group made the decision as Nishimura herself has declined to run.