University Of Tokyo May Raise Tuition By Up To ¥100,000; School Fees Are Currently Set At The National Standard

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo is considering raising tuition fees, according to university sources. The increase could be as much as approximately ¥100,000, if tuition fees are raised to the maximum set by an ordinance of the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry.

Tuition at national universities is set by the ministerial ordinance at a “standard amount” of ¥535,800 yen per year, but each university is allowed to increase it by up to 20% to ¥642,960. Tuition at the University of Tokyo is now set at the standard level, but the school is in the middle of reconsidering it.

Tuition increases at national universities were first implemented by Tokyo Institute of Technology and Tokyo University of the Arts in fiscal 2019, after which they spread to Hitotsubashi University, Chiba University and others.