Kishida Set to Replace Another LDP Executive over Alleged Off-the-Books Kickbacks; Other Faction Members Face Similar Accusations

The Yomiuri Shimbun
LDP Diet Affairs Committee Chairperson Tsuyoshi Takagi

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is considering replacing Tsuyoshi Takagi, chairperson of the Liberal Democratic Party’s Diet Affairs Committee, according to several government and LDP officials.

Takagi, 67, is among several senior lawmakers from the Abe faction — the LDP’s largest political faction once led by late former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe — suspected of receiving proceeds in excess of quotas for their fundraising party ticket sales.

As with Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno, who was also under suspicion, Takagi is effectively being ousted from his post.

In addition to Takagi and Matsuno, all top five members of the Abe faction are facing similar accusations, including Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura, LDP Policy Research Council Chairperson Koichi Hagiuda, and LDP’s Secretary General in the House of Councillors Hiroshige Seko.

Kishida, who is also president of the LDP, is likely to be forced into making major changes in his cabinet and senior LDP officials.