Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike Stops Short of Announcing 3rd Term Bid

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike

Tokyo, May 29 (Jiji Press) — Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike did not announce her possible bid for a third term in her policy speech at the beginning of a Tokyo metropolitan assembly session on Wednesday.

It is being closely watched when Koike will officially announce her candidacy for the July 7 gubernatorial election, as she is believed to have already decided to run in the election.

In the speech, Koike reiterated her eagerness to fulfill her duties as governor of the Japanese capital, although she made no mention of the upcoming election. “I have never wavered for a moment in my determination to create a metropolitan government that gives hope to Tokyo residents,” she stressed.

Koike told reporters later in the day that her primary duty as sitting governor now is to fully respond to the metropolitan assembly session that started on the day.

On Tuesday, she was asked by assembly members from regional political party Tomin First no Kai (Tokyoites first group) and Komeito, the junior coalition partner of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, to seek another term in the upcoming election. The LDP is also expected to support Koike if she seeks re-election.

Meanwhile, Renho, a prominent member of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, announced her candidacy for Tokyo governor on Monday. The CDP and the Japanese Communist Party are set to support Renho in the gubernatorial election.

More than 20 others have also indicated their intention to run, including Shinji Ishimaru, mayor of the western city of Akitakata, Hiroshima Prefecture.