Children Laugh in Giant Maze of Rape Blossoms in Fukushima Pref.: Built to Promote District Affected by 2011 Earthquake

The Yomiuri Shimbun

A giant maze is seen in a field of rape blossoms in the Kaibama district in Minami-Soma, Fukushima Prefecture, which was hit by the tsunami during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.

Takayuki Ueno, a 51-year-old local farmer who lost his two children and parents in the tsunami, formed a volunteer group to promote the area, and in 2013 they began building a maze like this one, which has become a popular spot that welcomes about 10,000 visitors each spring. When this year’s maze opened on Saturday, it echoed with the laughter of children running around. Admission is free and the maze will be run through May 5.