Panda Enjoys Christmas Tree-t

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Fuhin sits on the snow-made “Christmas tree” in Adventure World in Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture, on Saturday.

SHIRAHAMA, Wakayama — Giant panda Fuhin at Adventure World in Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture, was treated to a seasonal gift ahead of Christmas on Saturday.

The 3.8-meter long, 2-meter-wide patch of snow in the shape of Christmas tree — decorated with bamboo wreaths, carrots, apples and a star-shaped ice cube — was prepared by staff at the theme park.

The 3-year-old female panda enjoyed the feeling of the snow by scratching it with her paws and walking on it, before munching on the carrots and apples.

According to a zookeeper, Fuhin seemed excited when she saw the staff carrying the snow, but when it was given to her, she was more eager to eat than play.

“She acted like an adult panda. It feels like she’s really grown up,” said one staff member.