Bamboo Blossoms Thought to Bloom Once Every 120 Years Flowering in Kanagawa Pref.

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Male flowers are seen at the tip of branches.

YOKOHAMA — Bamboo flowers, which are said to blossom only once every few decades to 120 years, are in bloom on the premises of an old house in Kaisei, Kanagawa Prefecture.

A 70-year-old employee who is in charge of maintaining and managing Ashigarigo Setoyashiki, a 300-year-old house, said he found the bamboo blooming on Nov. 9. The flowers are about 5 centimeters long. Once the bamboo bears fruit, it will die, the employee said.

Admission to Ashigarigo Setoyashiki, which is used for various events, is free.

“The flowers are likely to be viewable for about three months. I hope people will take this opportunity to visit here,” the employee said.

The Yomiuri Shimbun
A forest of flowering bamboos in Kaisei, Kanagawa Prefecture, on Thursday.