Kumamoto: New Terminal Building Opens

The Yomiuri Shimbun
The new terminal building at Kumamoto Airport

KUMAMOTO — A newly constructed passenger terminal building at Kumamoto Airport has opened, replacing the structure that was damaged in the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake.

The new building, a four-story, steel-framed structure that also makes use of wood, has a floor area of 37,800 square meters.

International and domestic flight areas used to be in two separate structures in the old building, but they have been consolidated into one to enhance customer convenience.

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Kumamoto Prefecture’s mascot Kumamon watches the ribbon cutting ceremony on the opening day.

The building houses 31 shops.

The Kumamoto prefectural government regards the new building as a symbol of “creative reconstruction.”

On March 23, the day of the opening, airport staff welcomed the passengers of a charter flight from Taipei.

In the waiting area of the domestic terminal located on the third floor, customers can eat Kumamoto specialties such as horse sashimi, aka-ushi beef and Kumamoto-style ramen at a food court, as well as buy souvenirs at 26 shops.

The international terminal has a duty-free shop 10 times larger than the one in the old building.

The first floor has an area for special events performed by Kumamon, Kumamoto Prefecture’s official bear mascot, as well as a check-in counter for domestic and international flights.