Miyazaki: Hot Spring Facility Hopes Beefcake Photos Go Viral

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Models pose for photos at the Ojibaru Onsen Kenko Mura hot spring facility in Takaharu, Miyazaki Prefecture.

TAKAHARU, Miyazaki — A somewhat unusual photo shoot took place at an onsen hot spring resort — two muscular male models in loincloths posed for humorous photos in the baths, guest rooms and other areas around Ojibaru Onsen Kenko Mura in Takaharu, Miyazaki Prefecture.

The shoot was organized by a local company, working to revitalize the community. The company hopes the photos bring attention to the hot spring facility, as well as the area, as posting interesting or unique photos or videos can create a lot of buzz.

Located at the foot of Mt. Kirishima, Takaharu is surrounded by nature, has abundant spring water and is a popular tourist destination. However, the town has been suffering from an outflow of young people.

Okukirishima Chiiki Shousha Tsunagaru Takaharu Inc., the company that organized the photo shoot, was established in March 2022 to help create policies reflecting the needs of young people.

The photos are set to be uploaded to a free image library.

“We don’t know what will make it go viral,” said an official at the hot spring facility, sounding hopeful.