Snow-capped ‘Aomori dog’ sculpture streamed to global audience

The Yomiuri Shimbun
“Aomori-Ken” (Aomori Dog) has snow on its head on Sunday at the Aomori Museum of Art in Aomori. The museum live-streams videos of the sculpture on YouTube.

AOMORI — A famous sculpture of a dog by contemporary artist Yoshitomo Nara is being live-streamed on YouTube from the Aomori Museum of Art, which has been closed due to the pandemic.

“Aomori-Ken” (Aomori Dog) is part of the museum’s permanent collection and is a symbolic work of the museum. It is displayed where there is no ceiling. The approximately 8.5-meter tall sculpture of a dog looking down is currently covered with snow, giving the appearance it is wearing a white cap. The live-streaming video ( is capturing attention overseas as well.

The video has been live-streamed from a small camera set inside the museum building since late December last year. The museum plans to continue streaming until mid-April, when the snow melts and visitors can actually come view the sculpture.

“You can stay home and watch the day-to-day changes of ‘Aomori Dog’, who is now wearing a snow cap,” said Shigemi Takahashi, the museum’s curator. “I hope many will watch it.”