7 Japan Tech Industry Groups Support Bill to Regulate Tech Giants; Envisaged Law to Promote App Competition

Reuters file photo
The Apple logo is shown atop an Apple store at a shopping mall in La Jolla, Calif., on December 17, 2019.

Seven organizations in Japan related to the information technology industry, such as app developers, issued a joint statement in support of a bill that imposes regulations on tech giants, such as Apple and Google, to encourage competition in the smartphone software field.

The statement calls for the passage of the bill on the grounds that tech giants, which dominate the basic smartphone software and apps markets, are prioritizing their own profits and imposing excessive fees.

Japanese tech firms are in a weak position compared to U.S. tech giants, and it is extremely rare for related groups to jointly criticize them.

The envisaged new law requires Apple to open its app marketplace to other companies and prohibits unfair and discriminatory treatment of app distributors.

The Mobile Content Forum and the Computer Entertainment Supplier’s Association are two of the groups voicing their support for the bill. The seven organizations comprise more than 550 companies, which include major tech companies, video game companies and software developers that distribute apps.