Honda Aircraft Names New Light Jet ‘Hondajet Echelon’

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Full-scale model of Honda Aircraft’s new HondaJet Echelon

Las Vegas (Jiji Press) — Honda Aircraft Co. said Monday that it has decided to name its light business jet under development HondaJet Echelon.

The aircraft is expected to be the world’s first light business jet capable of nonstop transcontinental flight across the United States, according to the U.S. aircraft unit of automaker Honda Motor Co.

Honda Aircraft aims to launch the new jet after obtaining type certification necessary for commercialization in 2028.

The HondaJet Echelon will be “a game changer” for the aviation industry as it brings the flight experience that would be gained aboard a midsize jet to small aircraft passengers, Honda Aircraft President Hideto Yamasaki told a press conference at an ongoing aircraft trade show in Las Vegas.

The new jet will have a capacity to carry up to 11 crew members and passengers, up from eight for the existing HondaJet Elite II. Its maximum cruising distance will be 4,862 kilometers, up 1.7 to 1.8 times.

The HondaJet Echelon will offer performance equivalent to that of midsize aircraft, a popular category among private jet users, at the price of small aircraft, officials said.

Another advantage is that the new jet will require only one pilot against two required for a midsize jet, allowing users to save operating costs.