Latest ‘Zelda’ Sets Record as Fastest-Selling Nintendo Video Game

The Yomiuri Shimbun
The cover of the video game “The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom”

The latest title in Nintendo Co.’s “Zelda no Densetsu” (Legend of Zelda) megahit video game series has become the fastest-selling Nintendo video game ever, according to the official website of Guinness World Records.

“The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom,” played on the Nintendo Switch console, went on sale on May 12 and sold more than 10 million copies worldwide in three days.

The series tells the story of a protagonist named Link as he goes on adventures in a vast world designed in minute detail. The series is also known for a high degree of flexibility, giving users the freedom to produce new weapons by combining various items.

“It’s not that we applied [for the new record], but it is our great pleasure that the game has been accepted by many people,” a Nintendo spokesperson said.