Tokyo’s Setagaya Ward to Issue Residence Certificates to Same-sex Couples Using Husband / Wife (Unregistered); Wording Same as Heterosexual Couples in Common-law Marriage

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Setagaya Ward Mayor Nobuto Hosaka

Tokyo’s Setagaya Ward will issue certificates of residence to same-sex couples using new wording that is the same as a common-law marriage between a man and a woman, the municipality revealed on Wednesday.

The current wording is either “cohabitant” or “has connection.”

Starting in November, the ward will issue the certificates to same-sex couples who request them, using the word “husband (unregistered)” or “wife (unregistered)” written in the column that explains the relationship to the householder.

Mayor Nobuto Hosaka made the announcement at a regular meeting of the ward assembly.

Hosaka mentioned that he instructed the relevant departments to study the system’s design at a regular meeting in June.

“It is significant that Setagaya Ward, which has a population of 920,000 and has implemented the Partnership Oath System, will institute [common-law marriage status for same-sex couples],” he said on Wednesday.

Hosaka added that preparations are underway for the smooth issuance of the certificates of residence.

According to the ward, those eligible are same-sex couples who are ward residents and are registered in the Partnership Oath System with the metropolitan government or the ward.

Couples can apply for the certificates at 10 locations in the ward, including the ward office and branch offices.