Rakugo Storyteller Katsura Zakoba Dies at 76

Osaka, June 12 (Jiji Press) — Popular rakugo storyteller Katsura Zakoba died of asthma on Wednesday at his home in the city of Suita, Osaka Prefecture, western Japan. He was 76.

Katsura, whose real name was Hiromu Sekiguchi, was a storyteller of the “kamigata” style of rakugo performed in Osaka and nearby areas.

After graduating from junior high school, Katsura became a pupil of Katsura Beicho III in 1963 and assumed the name Katsura Zakoba II in 1988. He was good at performing stories with human warmth, with tears and angers shown on stage.

He also appeared in popular TV shows.

In 2017, he received a culture minister’s prize.

Osaka, June 12 (Jiji Press)—Popular rakugo storyteller Katsura Zakoba died of asthma on Wednesday at his home in the city of Suita, Osaka Prefecture, western Japan. He was 76.

Katsura, whose real name was Hiromu Sekiguchi, was a storyteller of the “kamigata” style of rakugo performed in Osaka and nearby areas.

After graduating from junior high school, Katsura became a pupil of Katsura Beicho III in 1963 and assumed the name Katsura Zakoba II in 1988. He was good at performing stories with human warmth, with tears and angers shown on stage.

He also appeared in popular TV shows.

In 2017, he received a culture minister’s prize.