Yuzuru Hanyu Skates to Support Noto Peninsula Earthquake Recovery Efforts; ‘I Want to Use my Fame in a Positive Way’

© Toru Yaguchi
Yuzuru Hanyu performs at a charity exhibition in Kanazawa on Sunday.

KANAZAWA – Figure skating star Yuzuru Hanyu performed at a charity exhibition in Kanazawa on Sunday.

The event was held to support recovery efforts following the Noto Peninsula Earthquake and was sponsored by companies such as NTT Docomo Inc., Hanyu captivated invited elementary school students from Ishikawa Prefecture and others with an elegant performance to the famous Yumi Matsutoya song, “Haru-yo, Koi.”

“I want to use my fame in a positive way to help [the victims]. I skated hoping to spread smiles, even just a little,” said Hanyu.

In addition to Hanyu’s performance, a taiko drum group from Wajima participated via live stream. The exhibition was broadcast online for a fee, with all proceeds being donated to Ishikawa Prefecture.