Research Institute Ranks Tokyo 3rd Among Major Cities; Attractiveness as Tourist Destination Highly Praised

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Tokyo’s Ginza district is seen from a Yomiuri Shimbun helicopter on Sept. 11.

The Mori Memorial Foundation’s Institute for Urban Strategies has ranked Tokyo third among 48 major cities worldwide for its overall performance in six categories.

The categories are the economy; research and development; culture and human exchange; living conditions; the environment; and traffic and access.

It is the ninth consecutive year Tokyo has ranked third.

The city received high praise for its attractiveness as a tourist destination due to an increase in foreign tourists.

London was ranked first, and New York came second. Their positions are unchanged from last year.

In the “economy” field, Tokyo ranked 10th, unchanged from last year. In the field of “environment,” the city’s rank fell by two to 18th.

However, its rank in the fields of “research and development” and “culture and human exchange” rose to third place, while in the field of “traffic and access,” it rose to fifth.

Osaka’s rank increased by two to 35th. Fukuoka’s rank was 42nd, unchanged from last year.