Cabinet Office Announces Plans for Accessible and Interactive National Archives to Open in 2028; To Include Videos, Models, Digital Technology and More

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Current National Archives of Japan

The Cabinet Office on Friday announced the basic plan for exhibitions at the new National Archives of Japan, which is scheduled to open at the end of fiscal 2028. The plan aims to make public documents accessible to a wide range of generations by utilizing not only documents but also videos, models, digital technology, and more.

The plan outlines four basic policies, including “exhibitions that are easy for children and young people to understand” with explanations and interactive displays, as well as exhibitions that cater “all visitors,” including people with disabilities and foreigners. It also proposes a system that allows people living in remote areas, who cannot visit the archives in person, to view the exhibits online.

An expert panel, called “study group on the attractive exhibition and operation of the new National Archives of Japan,” chaired by Takayuki Tanaka, senior managing director, chief officer, administration, of The Yomiuri Shimbun, submitted the basic exhibition concept to Hanako Jimi, state minister for regional revitalization, in February this year. The basic plan is being developed based on this concept.