International Conference to Discuss Democracies’ Role; Representatives from 10 Nations to Gather in Tokyo

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Genron NPO President Yasushi Kudo in October 2023

Representatives from research and study organizations and other entities from 10 countries will meet at the Tokyo Conference 2024 in Tokyo on March 13-15 to discuss international affairs and the role of democracies.

The research organization Genron NPO will host the meeting with the support of The Yomiuri Shimbun. Coordination is underway for Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to attend the dinner reception on March 14.

Marshall Islands President Hilda Heine will be the first serving head of state to participate in the conference. In addition, about 30 people, including former Cabinet ministers and representatives of international organizations from Japan and abroad, are expected to attend.

The meeting comes as divisions increase in the international community over Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and the situation in Gaza in the Middle East.

The conference plans to compile proposals for the governments of Japan and Italy, this year’s chair of the Group of Seven, based on the results of the discussions on April 14.

A public forum will be held on April 14, with the main topic being, “Restoring multilateral cooperation in an increasingly multipolar and fragmented world.” Heine will deliver a keynote speech, as will Stefan Lofven, governing board chair of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and former prime minister of Sweden.

There will also be an open session with representatives of research institutions from the G7 nations as well as India, Brazil and other countries.