Economy Minister Objects to Japan Being Given ‘Fossil of the Day’ Award

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Yasutoshi Nishimura, the Economy, Trade and Industry Minister

Yasutoshi Nishimura, the Economy, Trade and Industry Minister, objected to Japan being given the “Fossil of the Day” award during a lower house committee meeting on Wednesday. The satirical award is presented by the NGO Climate Action Network to countries slow to take action against climate change.

“It may be that those who do not understand Japan’s new technologies are making such statements,” Nishimura said.

He argued that Japan is actively developing tech to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, such as that for blending hydrogen and ammonia with fossil fuels at thermal power plants and storing CO2 underground. He added, “Through innovation, we aim to ensure net-zero emissions, economic growth and a stable energy supply.”

The NGO announces recipients of the award during each U.N. COP climate conference. Japan has received an award at four consecutive conferences.