Kyoto Institute of Philosophy to Study Social Values for AI Era

Yomiuri Shimbun photos
NTT Corp. Chairman Jun Sawada,left,Kyoto University Prof. Yasuo Deguchi

NTT Corp. established the Kyoto Institute of Philosophy with Kyoto University Prof. Yasuo Deguchi this summer, aiming to create “new social values and philosophical trends” amid the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology.

NTT Chairman Jun Sawada and philosophy expert Deguchi stressed the importance in the AI era of discussing philosophical values in society as a whole, during a dialogue held in participation with The Yomiuri Shimbun.

Sawada highlighted the significant societal impact of AI innovations, which in some cases have fueled social divisions. “We need long-term ideas that will allow for the coexistence of diverse values,” he said.

Deguchi expressed his hope that discussions at the Kyoto-based institute, which was established in July, would lead to proposals of new values from a philosophical viewpoint. “Conventional human values, which have recognized the dignity of intellectual activity, have been greatly challenged [by AI],” Deguchi said.

Research collaborators of the institute include the renowned philosopher Jay Garfield, who is a professor at Smith College in the United States.

In fiscal 2024 or later, the institute intends to hold a conference in Kyoto involving academics and leaders from the political and business worlds.