Prime Minister Fumio Kishida Meets with a Fisherman Who Seized Attacker

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, right, expresses his gratitude to a fisherman and others who seized the attacker in Wakayama on Saturday.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met with a fisherman and others who subdued a suspect who threw an explosive device at Kishida during a campaign stop at the Saikazaki fishing port in Wakayama.

“Many people’s lives could have been in danger,” Kishida told them. “I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your courage and actions.”

The meeting was held on Saturday at a hotel in the center of the city. Kishida directly expressed his sympathy to a man who was injured in the incident. “The image of Saikazaki must not be tarnished [by the incident],” he added.