98 Mpox Cases Confirmed in Japan This Year

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry

TOKYO (Jiji Press) — The cumulative number of mpox cases in Japan has reached 106, of which 98 were confirmed this year, health ministry data have shown.

“The infection is considered to be spreading in the country,” a ministry official said, adding that people with suspected symptoms should consult medical institutions early.

The viral disease, which develops symptoms similar to those of smallpox, is transmitted by infected animals. The disease, previously known as monkeypox, also spreads through contact with rashes or body fluids of infected people.

Infected people develop rashes, fever and other symptoms after an incubation period of six to 13 days.

The disease’s mortality rate is low, with most patients recovering naturally within two to four weeks. But serious cases have been seen overseas.