JAXA Begins Investigation Into Aborted Takeoff of Japan’s H3 Rocket

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Japan’s H3 rocket is moved to an assembly building at Tanegashima Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture on Saturday morning.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) on Saturday launched a full-scale investigation into the aborted takeoff of Japan’s H3 rocket.

At around 10 a.m. on Saturday morning, a special transporter was used to transfer the next-generation rocket to an assembly building 400 meters from the launch site at Tanegashima Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture to facilitate close examination of the fuselage. The relocation took about 30 minutes.

JAXA will initially concentrate on the first-stage system — in which anomalies were detected — and analyze electrical system data to determine why an ignition signal was not sent to the two boosters.

The space agency will also recheck the main engine and boosters with the aim of resuming launch operations by March 10, within the launch period set aside to accommodate unforeseen circumstances.