Japan-U.S.-Australia-India Talks: Take The Lead in Rule-Making to Maintain Order

In the face of the growing threats from China, Russia and North Korea, it is significant that the four countries of Japan, the United States, Australia and India will cooperate to spread universal values such as the rule of law and freedom of navigation in the Indo-Pacific region.

Although this was summit diplomacy for Prime Minister Fumio Kishida that wrapped up his role as prime minister, it is essential to maintain the cooperative framework even after a change of leadership.

A summit of the Quad, a framework for security cooperation among the four countries, was held in the United States, and the leaders agreed to promote cooperation in the field of maritime security.

The four leaders, in their joint statement, expressed serious concern about coercive and intimidating maneuvers, taking into account Chinese vessels repeatedly colliding with Philippine ships in the South China Sea.

The statement also mentioned strengthening cooperation among the four countries’ coast guards, with officers from each entity to board patrol vessels in the other countries in turn to conduct joint missions, such as cracking down on illegal fishing. As the first step, the U.S. Coast Guard plans to bring onto its vessels officers from Japan, Australia and India next year.

The statement also stipulated that the four countries’ coast guards will cooperate in conducting training exercises to enhance the capabilities of the coast guards of Southeastern Asian countries and Pacific island nations.

In recent years, the number of island nations that have severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan in response to Beijing’s diplomatic offensive and have established diplomatic relations with China is increasing. If China’s influence expands, the region could become unstable.

Although China has become a military superpower, the combined gross domestic product of Japan, the United States, Australia and India is twice that of China, and their total military spending is more than triple that of China. It is appropriate for the four countries to work together to deter China’s military expansion.

It is noteworthy that the Kishida Cabinet has deployed diplomacy based on the Japan-U.S. alliance and has taken steps to strengthen defense capabilities. The improvement of relations with South Korea can also be considered an achievement.

It is necessary to build confidence through such multifaceted combinations of cooperation as the Quad and one among Japan, the United States and South Korea.

On the other hand, it is hard to say that Japan has displayed leadership in rebuilding the international order, which has been endangered by the war in Ukraine and conflicts in the Middle East.

It is important for Japan to accurately analyze the international situation, persistently negotiate with the countries concerned and take the lead in creating rules to restore order. The next prime minister will be tested over their ability to take up the diplomatic initiative.

During Kishida’s trip abroad, a Russian patrol aircraft violated Japan’s airspace off the coast of Hokkaido. At the time, a total of nine Chinese and Russian naval vessels were sailing in the surrounding waters. It is extremely likely that both countries are jointly provoking Japan. A Chinese military aircraft also violated Japan’s territorial airspace off the coast of Nagasaki Prefecture just last month.

The Japanese government must strengthen its defense system and clearly show its intention to protect the country’s territory, airspace and territorial waters.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Sept. 25, 2024)