Businesses in Japan Continue to be Affected by Windows PC Glitch; Narita Airport, Universal Studios Japan, JR West Experience Issues

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Narita Airport

Low-cost carrier Jetstar Japan Co. made the decision to cancel five domestic flights scheduled to depart Narita Airport on Saturday.

Narita International Airport Corp. said that about 1,500 people spent the night inside its terminals due to a large number of flight cancellations on Friday.

Point of sales systems in restaurants and souvenir shops at Universal Studios Japan, a theme park in Osaka, also experienced issues starting at around 2 p.m. on Friday. All the affected restaurants and shops suspended operations temporarily.

At 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, the restaurants and shops began services as scheduled. Although ticket sales at the park were to be suspended on Saturday and Sunday, the park’s computer systems have now been restored, and ticket sales have returned to normal.

At West Japan Railway Co., a web service malfunctioned, temporally preventing some trains’ positions from being displayed.