Operations Resume at Toyota Plants After System Glitch (Update 1)

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Toyota Motor Corp.’s Motomachi plant in Aichi Prefecture

Toyota Motor Corp. restarted operations at its plants in Japan on Wednesday, after a system glitch the previous day brought production to a halt at all of its 14 domestic factories.

The malfunction affected a system that processes parts orders. An alternative system was currently being used to procure parts, according to the automaker.

Production resumed Wednesday morning at 12 plants, including the Motomachi and Tahara plants in Aichi Prefecture and Toyota Motor East Japan Inc.’s Iwate Plant in Iwate Prefecture.

Toyota Motor Kyushu Inc.’s Miyata plant in Fukuoka Prefecture and the Kyoto Plant of Toyota unit Daihatsu Motor Co. are expected to resume operations later in the day.

Toyota’s factories in Japan produce about 30% of the world’s vehicles, including the Yaris and Corolla models.

The automaker is investigating the cause of Tuesday’s glitch, which it does not believe was triggered by a cyberattack.