Hyogo Gov. Motohiko Saito Faces Choice After Prefectural Assembly Passes No-Confidence Motion; Misconduct Allegations Force Move

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Hyogo Gov. Motohiko Saito enters the assembly hall at the Hyogo prefectural office building in Kobe on Thursday afternoon.

KOBE — The Hyogo prefectural assembly unanimously passed on Thursday afternoon a no-confidence motion against Hyogo Gov. Motohiko Saito, who is facing allegations of using his position to harass others in the workplace — also called power harassment — and other misconduct.

All 86 members of the assembly submitted the no-confidence motion earlier in the day. The Liberal Democratic Party, the largest group in the assembly, provided reasons for the move, saying, “The trust of the prefecture’s citizens has been lost, doubt has gnawed at prefectural government employees and the prefectural administration is in a state of long-term stagnation and turmoil.”

“There is no prospect of regaining trust, and it is impossible [for Saito] to continue to steer the prefectural administration.”

Saito now has a choice between accepting the decision of the assembly or dissolving it. If he does not dissolve the assembly within 10 days, he will automatically lose his position as governor.