Chinese Deep-sea Mining Vehicle Makes Successful Haul from 4,100 Meters Down, as Beijing Seeks to Secure Natural Resources

From website of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
The Pioneer II deep-sea mining vehicle developed by China

SHENYANG, China — A deep-sea mining vehicle succeeded in collecting minerals at about 4,100 meters under the sea, the state-run Xinhua News Agency reported Tuesday. Named the Pioneer II, the vehicle was independently developed by Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

The administration of President Xi Jinping, which has continued its expansion at sea including around Japan’s Nansei island chain as it seeks to become a major maritime power, is strengthening moves to secure natural resources.

The Pioneer II, which is six meters long and weighs 14 tons, is designed to be capable of diving down to 6,000 meters. It can excavate minerals with a drill at the tip of its arm. It is also equipped with tracks for driving on the seabed, and can drive on a more than 30-degree slope.

The vehicle had a test-run in the western Pacific in June and collected more than 200 kilograms of ore containing titanium and nickel.