Chinese ‘overseas police’ operating in Tokyo, Foreign Ministry claims

The Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
The flag of China flies in Beijing.

The Foreign Ministry on Monday presented the findings of a report by a Spanish NGO that revealed China may have established “overseas police” bases in Japan, at a joint meeting of the Liberal Democratic Party’s Foreign Affairs Subcommittee and others.

According to the report, Chinese police authorities have established two bases in Japan. The Fuzhou public security bureau in China’s Fujian Province has allegedly established an overseas police base in Tokyo and Jiangsu Province’s Nantong public security bureau is believed to have established one, but its location is unknown.

The lawmakers at Monday’s meeting called on authorities to uncover the whole picture regarding China’s activities.

The Conference to Japan’s dignity and national interest, a group comprising conservative lawmakers in the Liberal Democratic Party, also met on Monday to hear opinions from experts about the suspected Chinese bases in Japan.

The Foreign Ministry has told China through diplomatic channels, “activities that infringe on Japan’s sovereignty are absolutely unacceptable.”