93-Year-Old Woman Rescued 124 Hours After Noto Earthquake Dies; Sudden Change in Her Condition Earlier This Month

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
An ambulance carrying a rescued woman is seen in Suzu, Ishikawa Prefecture, on Jan. 6.

A 93-year-old woman from Suzu, Ishikawa Prefecture, who was rescued 124 hours after the Noto Peninsula Earthquake occurred, died at a hospital in Kanazawa on Thursday, it has been learned.

The woman was rescued in the evening of Jan. 6 by emergency personnel, who found her with her left leg trapped under a beam at her collapsed house in Suzu. She received intensive care at a hospital and was able to speak the next morning, but her condition suddenly changed around Feb. 5.

According to her eldest son, 72, she said she wanted to go home, if only for a day.