Ground Self-Defense Force Brings Water to Locals in Quake-struck Ishikawa Pref.

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Ground Self-Defense Force members provide water to residents in Shika, Ishikawa Prefecture, on Wednesday morning.

The Ground Self-Defense Force provided water to residents in Shika, Ishikawa Prefecture, on Wednesday, with nearly every household there still lacking running water and earthquakes continuing to shake the region.

Residents stood in line for water, holding water bags or plastic bottles, as members of GSDF Camp Hisai in Tsu started filling their containers at the parking lot for the Aqua Park Shi-On hot spring complex around 8:30 a.m.

Some 10 GSDF members served the locals from two water trucks.

“I’m just so grateful to them for coming all the way here to provide water. I intend to use the water carefully, for drinking or flushing toilets,” a 75-year-old bus driver said.