Messages by G7 Leaders, Zelenskyy Displayed in Hiroshima

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Visitors look at guest-book entries from the G7 summit at the International Conference Center Hiroshima on Tuesday. Seen in the foreground are orizuru paper cranes brought by U.S. President Joe Biden.

HIROSHIMA — Guest-book entries signed by world leaders at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum during the Group of Seven summit in May are being publicly displayed from Tuesday at the International Conference Center Hiroshima next to the museum in Naka Ward, Hiroshima. Admission is free, and the exhibit will run until Aug. 31

The exhibit features messages of peace from 33 guests — including the G7 leaders, their spouses and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy — handwritten on 18 sheets of paper.

The messages are displayed with Japanese translations. Also on display are orizuru paper cranes brought by U.S. President Joe Biden and a round table used by the G7 leaders during their meetings.

An 11-year-old sixth grader from Matsusaka, Mie Prefecture, visited the center with his family of four. “I want to tell my friends what I saw here so that we can realize a world without war,” he said.

To keep the guest-book entries from deteriorating, they will be replaced by replicas from Aug. 8.