Tokyo Finds Traces of Herbicides Near 9 Bigmotor Outlets

The Yomiuri Shimbun
A Bigmotor Co. outlet in Tokyo

Chemicals used in herbicides have been found in the soil near nine Tokyo outlets operated by used-car dealer Bigmotor Co., the Tokyo metropolitan government said Wednesday.

According to the government, the company has 18 outlets in Tokyo, and roadside trees have been planted by the government along city roads near 14 of them.

The metropolitan government took soil samples from around the 14 outlets and conducted an investigation following the removal of some of the roadside trees. Samples from nine outlets, including one in Setagaya Ward, were found to have traces of such chemicals as glyphosate, which is used in herbicides.

On the day, Bigmotor executives visited the Tokyo metropolitan government and admitted to and apologized for using herbicides and removing the trees. The company offered to plant new trees to restore to the original state. The government intends to speak with the Metropolitan police department about filing a damage report.

Bigmotor executives also visited the Kanagawa prefectural government the same day and apologized for using herbicides at two outlets in the prefecture.