Japan Arrests 2 Men Repatriated from Cambodia

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Saga Prefectural Police Headquarters

TOKYO (Jiji Press) — Japanese police on Wednesday arrested two men repatriated from Cambodia on suspicion of involvement in a special fraud case.

Shigeru Sato, 55, and Hiroki Ito, 48, are believed to be members of a special fraud group based in Cambodia, where they had been detained.

The aircraft carrying the two suspects arrived at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport in the early morning of Wednesday. The two were arrested on the plane around 3:40 a.m., after the aircraft entered Japanese airspace.

The Saga prefectural police, who arrested the two, plan to take them to the prefecture in the afternoon for questioning.

According to investigative sources, Sato and Ito are suspected of conspiring to swindle a man in Saga Prefecture out of cash by making a fraudulent call to him.

The prefectural police dispatched investigators to Cambodia after the victimized man filed a report of damage from the fraud.