Stimulant Traces Found in Nihon Univ. American Football Club Dorm

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Investigators leave the dormitory of Nihon University’s American football club in Nakano Ward, Tokyo, after conducting a search on Thursday.

TOKYO, Aug. 3 (Jiji Press) — Marijuana and apparent pills containing stimulant components have been found at the dormitory of Nihon University’s American football club in Tokyo’s Nakano Ward, investigative sources said Thursday.

More than 10 investigators from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s drug and firearms control division raided the dormitory around 1 p.m. Thursday on suspicion of violation of the stimulants control law. The MPD will accelerate efforts to identify the owner of the illegal drugs and find out how they were obtained.

According to the sources, officials of the Japanese university inspected the dormitory in the presence of residents in late June and after, based on information that a member of the club was smoking marijuana at the dormitory, and found two apparent pills and plant fragments.

On July 19, the university contacted the MPD and submitted the apparent pills it found and other items.

The MPD found traces of stimulants in the apparent pills and dried cannabis in the plant fragments and confirmed with university officials how the illegal drugs were discovered. It will also examine why it took a long time for the university to contact police after finding the plant fragments and others.

The university has interviewed all members of the club, including its head coach, other coaches and players, as well as former members, and consulted with the MPD, according to informed sources.

On July 22, the university held an explanatory meeting for parents to explain the situation.

In the past, the Nihon University American football club was suspended from official matches as a penalty for a violent hit from behind by a member of the club against an opponent in a match in May 2018.