Middle East Special Envoy Calls for Closer Japan-Turkey Dialogue; Tokyo Seminar Marked 100 Years of Diplomatic Ties

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Tsukasa Uemura speaks at a seminar organized by the Middle East Institute of Japan in Tokyo on Tuesday.

Tsukasa Uemura, a special envoy for Middle East peace efforts, on Tuesday called for “close and creative dialogue” between Japan and Turkey regarding the situations in Ukraine and Gaza, in his keynote speech at a seminar in Tokyo.

The seminar was organized by the Middle East Institute of Japan and others, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Turkey.

A panel discussion by six Middle East experts was also held at the seminar.

Yasushi Hazama, a senior researcher of the Middle East region at the Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization, said that “Japan and Turkey can contribute to the reconstruction of Gaza [after the war].” He also expressed his hope for Japan’s cooperation in the areas of both medical care and health care in Gaza.