Foreign Minister Hayashi, Chilean Counterpart Agree on Enhancing Mineral Supply Chains

Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi, left, meets with Chilean Foreign Minister Alberto van Klaveren at the Foreign Ministry in Santiago on Thursday.

Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi, who is on a diplomatic tour of Central and South America, held discussions with his Chilean counterpart, Alberto van Klaveren, in Santiago on Thursday morning local time.

The two diplomats reached a consensus on advancing bilateral relations to reinforce the supply chains for essential mineral resources, including copper.

During the meeting, Hayashi welcomed the Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP] taking effect for Chile in February, and confirmed that both countries will work closely together.

During a separate meeting Wednesday morning in Lima, Hayashi engaged in talks with Peruvian Foreign Minister Ana Cecilia Gervasi. Hayashi emphasized the growing significance of Peru as a producer of mineral resources and agreed with his Peruvian counterpart to strengthen economic ties through cooperation between the public and private sectors.