Dinosaur-lovers get into character at event

The Yomiuri Shimbun
People in dinosaur costumes view a reconstructed Tyrannosaurus skeleton on June 20 at the Tottori Prefectural Museum in Tottori.

TOTTORI — Museum-goers dressed up in T-rex costumes viewed exhibits at a museum during a unique event at the Tyrannosaurus exhibition in Tottori City.

The exhibition, organized by The Yomiuri Shimbun and others, runs through Aug. 28 at the Tottori Prefectural Museum.

Organizers arranged the costumed-theme event on June 20, a closing day of the exhibition. Applicants who signed up in advance for the event were divided into three groups, the first tour starting at 10 a.m. and featuring 10 visitors.

The T-rex-clad visitors were enthusiastic during the tour, gazing at the full-body reconstructed skeleton of Tyrannosaurus and other exhibits.

A number of museum-goers dressed as “Homo sapiens” (visitors without costumes) also participated in the event, but there were smiles everywhere as many snapped commemorative photos with their smartphones.

“It was a little bit difficult to see clearly, but it was great to feel like a carnivorous dinosaur,” said a 38-year-old participant.