Light, fluffy pancake that has 10-minute time limit

Courtesy of Oenosato Natural Farm
A pancake served at a cafe in Oenosato Natural Farm in Yazu, Tottori Prefecture

TOTTORI — A pancake, which is made to be eaten “in 10 minutes,” has attracted sweet lovers nationwide. The unique dessert is available at a cafe in Oenosato Natural Farm, in the Tottori prefectural town of Yazu.

The pancake uses Tenbiran brand eggs laid by hens at the farm. These are used to make meringue to give the dessert a light and fluffy texture. Baking powder is not used, so the pancake goes flat quickly, hence the 10-minute time limit. The fluffy dough melts and leaves a rich taste of egg in your mouth.

The popularity of the dessert led to four-hour queues during the Golden Week holidays in May. A cafe spokesperson said, “We want customers to enjoy the texture of freshly made sweets with the rich flavor of Tenbiran while enjoying the natural environment.”

The pancake costs ¥880 and a drink set is ¥1,265.