Yamaguchi Kamaboko has a Texture you have to Taste to Believe

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Miu Shitao poses with “Hakugin.”

This time, I’ll be telling you about Yamaguchi Prefecture’s seafood. The theme today is “Yamaguchi’s fish cakes are really great!”

In another article, I told you that Fujimitsu Corp.’s “Chizu Coron,” a bite-size kamaboko fish cake with rich camambert cheese coated with fish paste, was the top “must-buy souvenir” at Yamaguchi Ube Airport. Ubekamaboko Co.’s “Kezuri Kamaboko,” which took second place, is dried kamaboko that is served shredded. Both of these wonderful items are products made from fish cakes.

A product I often recommend to people from outside of Yamaguchi is Sugimotoriheehonten Co.’s “Hakugin,” because of its plump and chewy texture. Many trying it for the first time are sure to be surprised at such a surprising texture. Because this is the kamaboko that I grew up eating, I find that what’s available in Tokyo just doesn’t measure up.

The best way to eat Hakugin is to slice it and lightly dip it in soy sauce and wasabi or with oba leaves.