Defense White Paper: Prepare for China-Taiwan Tension, Russia-N. Korea Collusion

China is stepping up its coercive pressure on the new Taiwan administration, while military cooperation among China, Russia and North Korea is deepening. The Japanese government must strengthen its defense capabilities in light of the increasingly severe international situation.

The 2024 edition of the Defense White Paper has been released. It recognizes that “Japan is facing the most severe and complex security environment since the end of World War II.” It notes that it cannot be ruled out that a serious situation similar to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine may occur in East Asia.

A particularly strong sense of urgency was expressed over the fact that China has been intensifying its military activities around Taiwan.

Following the inauguration of President Lai Ching-te in Taiwan in May this year, China conducted large-scale military drills around Taiwan. The exercise area included remote islands, and the scale of the drills was second to those conducted in 2022, when then U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan.

According to the white paper’s analysis, these drills may have been carried out as a simulation of part of an operation to invade Taiwan. China regards Lai with hostility as one who favors independence for Taiwan. Beijing is expected to continue increasing military pressure on Taiwan.

The destabilization of the situation regarding Taiwan is a serious issue that affects Japan’s security. The Self-Defense Forces need to strengthen cooperation with the Japan Coast Guard and accumulate joint training sessions on a daily basis so that they can respond appropriately to any situation.

The white paper also noted that North Korea is not only trying to improve its own missile capabilities, but also has provided artillery shells and missiles to Russia that were used to attack Ukraine.

In June, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited North Korea and signed a new treaty with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, to strengthen their military cooperation. It is also pointed out that Russia is providing its missile technology to North Korea.

China is also said to be providing arms parts and other items to Russia, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization issued a leaders’ declaration this month condemning China on these grounds.

Close cooperation among China, Russia and North Korea prolongs Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and threatens stability in East Asia. It is essential for Japan to enhance the SDF’s capabilities and strengthen cooperation with the United States and friendly nations.

In the spring of next year, the Defense Ministry will establish a joint operations command to direct the SDF’s ground, maritime and air branches in an integrated manner even in times of peace. The United States is also considering reorganizing its forces in Japan to facilitate communication and information-sharing with the SDF. It is hoped that an effective system will be put in place.

Under these circumstances, grave concern is unavoidable over a spate of scandals at the Defense Ministry and the SDF. The prime minister, who is the supreme commander of the SDF, and others should thoroughly correct the lax organizational discipline.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, July 18, 2024)