Power-saving Efforts to Be Sought

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
The Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry building in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo.

TOKYO (Jiji Press) — The industry ministry plans to call for power-saving efforts by households and businesses in the service area of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. in July and August, without setting a numerical target, it was learned Tuesday.

The plan comes as the power reserve rate in the TEPCO area is expected to fall close to 3%, the minimum level considered necessary for stable power supply.

On Tuesday, the ministry reported the plan at a meeting of a related expert panel. The plan is slated to be formally adopted in June.

Meanwhile, the ministry plans not to request power-saving efforts in the nine other regional power utilities’ service areas, where stable supply is believed to be secured.

In the TEPCO area, the government made power-saving requests last summer and winter. Last summer, such requests were made in the areas of all 10 regional utilities.

According to the ministry’s estimates presented at the panel meeting, the power reserve rate in the TEPCO area could hit 3.1% in July and 4.8% in August if once-in-a-decade summer heat hits the area.